Epuni Fairfield community plan
We worked alongside the newly formed Epuni Fairfield Community Group, and supported two local community activators to build a community-led plan for Epuni Fairfield. Engaging in table talks with people, co-creating a plan and establishing a community organisation that will turn this into action.
Dargaville Youth Voice
Working alongside an existing youth services network to connect with young people who engaged in a youth-led listening campaign with young people in Dargaville. This led to the creation of a new rangatahi-led group for Dargaville Ngā Potiki Toa Collective.
We also ran a free community organizing workshop in Dargaville for anyone in the community to explore how they can come together to organize around shared goals.
South Kaipara Food Plan
The Community Think collective was contracted by the Kai Collective Te Awaroa to assist them in creating a community-led food security plan for the South Kaipara region.
This involved several months of food talks (using the table talk model), playback theatre and other engagements to collect community voice and create an action plan with the community.